Sunday, April 20, 2008

How To Get Band Sponsorships & Endorsements

I heard Tish Meeks on a Madalyn Sklar teleseminar and I thought she was fantastic so I wanted to share.

Learn how to get sponsorship deals!

Proven methods for getting big name companies to take you and your band seriously as an advertising vehicle for their products

Tish Meeks is well-known in the independent music community as the feisty front person of Texas Party Punk band, 3 Kisses. In addition to live music performance, Tish has worked with numerous bands across the US providing motivation, education and support to help them further their music careers.

"Tish is a marketing monster. Her dedication is exceeded only by her ability. The fact that she has gotten so many excellent sponsorships for 3 Kisses is a testament to this. These are not just some esoteric ideas from some writer in an ivory tower that doesn't know how to implement on their own. What you're being told -- these are down-in-the-streets, nitty-gritty instructions on how to get sponsored. Take the lessons given in this book to heart, because they work."

- Robert Stuckey
Texas Independent Musicians, Director

Get your copy at

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